Pattern Design and Spoonflower.

One of my other passions is designing patterns and I can fulfil this via my Spoonflower shop! My background is in textile design so I've never wanted to leave it behind. I think I have a very quirky and individual style, whenever someone buys a design I jump for joy. A lot of my stationery ideas start out as patterns, such as my llama range. Here it is as Land of the Llamas

One of my best selling patterns features cacti and succulents. This trend shows no signs of growing tired and I love drawing the shapes and details. Here's my Sun Room Succulents, what do you think?

Finally here's a design I've created quite recently. One thing I like to do is show my ideas as mock-ups to show how they can work in "real life". This piece is based on organic vegetables. So many amazing shapes to draw!

If you want to take a closer link at my store follow this link! Slumbermonkey Designs.


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